Una selección de los trabajos que hemos realizado para nuestros clientes.


Chile Open 2024/

Smartycar was proud sponsor of the Chile Open of tennis, so we invited a famous financial expert to play v/s all the troubles that comes when you buy car. (license plate, car insurance, maintenance, vehicle inspection). "Don't let them break you with your car" was the concept to show that subscribing to a car is the best way to have one.



Introducing our last work for Smartycar. We created a “confessionary car” a place were the regretful people who bought a car cries their misfortunes and guide us to a smart way of having a car.


Without all the problems that comes when you buy a car like: Insurance, license plate, movement pass and maintenance. The feeling is like taking away the weight of all the problems and to drive free and relax, so we created a Sauna-Car to demonstrate a stress free way of driving.


SmartyCar is a new way of having a car in the chilean market. Without all the problems that comes with a car like: Insurance, license plate, movement pass and fixing. The feeling is like taking away the weight of all this issues and to drive free.


-PreRoll /Bumper

Como parte de la misma campaña “Comprar un auto no es Smarty” creamos una idea para los formatos PreRoll y Bumper de Youtube.

Mobil Delvac ///

Junto a nuestro socio Aguayo estudio realizamos esta producción fotográfica para una campaña de Mobil de la agencia Kinder Lab. El retoque estuvo a cargo de nuestro querido Gonzalo Arévalo.


We all know Fiji, an island with incredible beaches, breathtaking rain forests, and, as they say… the world’s finest water.
We also know Fiji, a highly dangerous and contaminating single-use plastic water bottle.
Around the world, companies bottle up water from real places and take their name while polluting the source.
Let’s save water from water committing to a world free of single-use plastic bottles.

Rotter & Krauss ///

Para el lanzamiento de cristales de colores , trabajamos una campaña para atreverse a usar más color. Bajo el concepto de los colores no muerden y lobos alrededor, hicimos una invitación a través de la moda para comenzar a usar estos nuevos cristales.


Fotografía de producto

Para la campaña de Verano de Bacardí, trabajamos esta propuesta junto a la agencia Fauna. Bodegones en estudio que pudieran rescatar el verano con sombras y tratamiento de color.